Drupal Development and Consultation - Proudly operating in The United States of America

Drupal Development and Consulting

Drupal Development and Consulting

What is Drupal?

Hey there, tech-savvy peeps! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Drupal Development and Consulting? Brace yourselves, because we're about to introduce you to the open source platform that's revolutionizing the way we build mind-blowing digital experiences. Get ready to have your minds blown!  

So, what's Drupal all about? Well, picture a bustling hive of dedicated developers, tech enthusiasts, and passionate creators all working together to bring your wildest digital dreams to life. That's Drupal for you, my friend! It's a platform built by a community that never sleeps, where innovation and collaboration go hand in hand.  

Drupal Development and Consulting

Now, let's talk about the superpowers that Drupal possesses. With its flexibility and scalability, Drupal is like a digital wizard that can handle anything you throw at it. Want to build a jaw-dropping website? Drupal's got you covered. Looking to create an interactive online community? No problemo, Drupal's got your back. Need a robust e-commerce platform that will make your online store shine? You guessed it—Drupal's got you covered there too!  

Here's the deal: Drupal gives you the power to unleash your creativity in ways you've never even imagined. With its intuitive back-end interface, you don't need to be a coding genius to customize and tweak your digital palace. Drupal has got your back, ensuring that you have full control over every pixel and every line of code.  

But what sets Drupal apart from the crowd? Well, let's talk about its rock-solid security features. We all know that cyber villains are lurking around every digital corner, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting. Fear not, because Drupal has an army of defenders working day and night to keep your digital fortress safe from harm. You can sleep soundly knowing that your website is armored with the best security measures in the biz!  

Oh, and did we mention that Drupal is completely open source? That means you're not tied down to any particular vendor or forced to pay exorbitant fees. Drupal is all about freedom, my friend, and it's yours for the taking.  

So, who is Drupal for? Well, if you're a tech guru who loves to tinker with code and push the boundaries of what's possible, Drupal is your holy grail. If you're a developer who wants to join a thriving community of like-minded individuals and elevate your skills to new heights, Drupal is calling your name. And if you're a business owner who wants to create an unforgettable digital presence, Drupal is here to help you shine like a superstar.  

So, buckle up, my friends, and get ready for a wild ride with Drupal. The possibilities are endless, the community is unmatched, and together, we can build the digital future of your dreams. What are you waiting for? Let's Drupal this world together!

Full Stack Development - Drupal 7, 8, 9 and 10

Xandermar offers Drupal development and consulting. We have very strong backend, as well as frontend, skills and ability for Drupal 7 through Drupal 10 enterprise projects with experience of more than 20 years. We generally support government agencies and government contractors. We are adept at DevOps which includes continuous integration, containerization and systemic workflow.

Daily technologies and activities: Drupal, Bootstrap, Drush, AWS, Docker, Scrum, Agile, PHP, Bash, CSS3, Bitbucket, Bamboo, Confluence, JIRA, SSH, XML and more.

Drupal Module Development

What is Drupal Module Development?

Drupal is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows website owners to easily manage and organize their website content. One of the major advantages of Drupal is its flexibility and extensibility through the use of modules. In this article, we will explore what Drupal module development is and how it can enhance the functionality of your Drupal website.

Understanding Drupal Modules

Drupal modules are add-ons that provide specific features and functionalities to your Drupal website. They can be considered as building blocks that extend the core functionality of Drupal. Modules can range from simple functionalities like contact forms to complex features like e-commerce integration.

The Importance of Module Development

Module development plays a crucial role in customizing your Drupal website according to your specific needs. By creating custom modules, you can add new functionalities, modify existing ones, or integrate third-party services seamlessly. This level of customization allows you to tailor your website to meet your unique requirements, ensuring a better user experience for your visitors.

Developing a Drupal Module

Developing a Drupal module involves several steps, from planning and coding to testing and deployment. Let's take a closer look at the key stages of Drupal module development:

1. Planning

Before starting the development process, it's important to clearly define the objectives and requirements of your module. This includes identifying the specific functionality you want to add or modify and determining the best approach to achieve it.

2. Coding

Once you have a clear plan, you can start writing the code for your module. Drupal follows the PHP programming language, so having a good understanding of PHP is essential. You will also utilize Drupal's APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to interact with its core functionalities and integrate your module seamlessly.

3. Testing

Thorough testing is crucial to ensure that your module functions as intended and doesn't introduce any conflicts or errors. Testing involves both unit testing, where individual components are tested, and integration testing, where the module is tested within the Drupal environment.

4. Deployment

Once your module has passed all necessary tests, it can be deployed to your Drupal website. This involves installing the module and configuring any necessary settings. After deployment, it's important to monitor the module's performance and address any issues that may arise.

Benefits of Drupal Module Development

Drupal module development offers several benefits for website owners:

  • Enhanced Functionality: Custom modules allow you to add specific features and functionalities tailored to your website's needs.
  • Improved Performance: Modules can optimize your website's performance by reducing load times and improving overall efficiency.
  • Better User Experience: By customizing your Drupal website with modules, you can create a seamless and user-friendly experience for your visitors.
  • Scalability: Modules can easily be extended or modified to accommodate future growth and changes to your website.


Drupal module development is a powerful tool that allows you to extend and customize your Drupal website's functionality. By creating custom modules, you can enhance your website's performance, improve user experience, and tailor it to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need a simple contact form or a complex e-commerce integration, Drupal module development empowers you to take full control of your website's capabilities.

Drupal Theme Development

What is Drupal Theme Development?

Drupal theme development refers to the process of creating and customizing the visual appearance of a website built on the Drupal content management system (CMS). It involves designing and coding the frontend elements of a Drupal website, including the layout, colors, typography, and overall user interface.

Why is Drupal Theme Development Important?

Having an appealing and user-friendly design is crucial for any website, as it directly impacts the user experience. Drupal theme development plays a vital role in creating a visually engaging and intuitive interface that attracts and retains visitors. A well-designed theme not only enhances the overall look of the website but also improves its functionality and usability.

The Process of Drupal Theme Development

Drupal theme development follows a structured process that involves several key steps. Let's explore each of them in detail:

1. Requirement Gathering and Planning

At the beginning of the theme development process, it is essential to understand the client's requirements and goals. This includes gathering information about the target audience, desired functionalities, and design preferences. Based on this, a comprehensive plan is created to outline the scope and objectives of the project.

2. Wireframing and Design Mockups

Once the requirements are clear, the next step is to create wireframes and design mockups. Wireframes are basic visual representations of the website's layout and structure, while design mockups provide a more detailed representation of the final design. These help visualize the placement of different elements and ensure the overall design aligns with the client's expectations.

3. Theme Development and Customization

Once the design is finalized, the actual development of the Drupal theme begins. This involves converting the design mockups into HTML/CSS code and integrating it into the Drupal CMS. Customization may include creating templates, modifying existing modules, or adding new features to achieve the desired functionality.

4. Responsiveness and Cross-Browser Compatibility

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it is crucial for websites to be responsive and compatible with various browsers and screen sizes. Drupal theme development ensures that the website adapts seamlessly to different devices, providing an optimal user experience across platforms.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance

Before launching the website, thorough testing and quality assurance are conducted to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This includes checking for compatibility, responsiveness, accessibility, and overall performance. It is essential to ensure that the website functions as intended and provides a seamless user experience.

6. Deployment and Launch

Once the theme development and testing phases are completed, the website is ready for deployment. It is uploaded to a web server and made accessible to the public. A final review is conducted to ensure everything is working correctly, and any last-minute adjustments are made if necessary.

Benefits of Drupal Theme Development

Drupal theme development offers several advantages for website owners and developers:

1. Customization and Flexibility

Drupal provides extensive customization options, allowing developers to create unique and tailored themes that meet specific requirements. It offers a wide range of modules, themes, and plugins that can be integrated into the website to enhance its functionality.

2. Scalability and Performance

Drupal is known for its scalability, making it suitable for both small websites and large enterprise-level applications. With proper theme development techniques, performance optimizations can be implemented to ensure fast loading times and efficient resource utilization.

3. Security and Updates

Drupal follows strict security standards and regularly releases updates to patch vulnerabilities and improve the CMS's overall security. By leveraging Drupal theme development best practices, developers can ensure that the website remains secure and up to date with the latest security patches.

4. SEO-Friendly

Drupal is inherently search engine friendly, and with proper theme development, it becomes even more optimized for search engines. Developers can implement SEO best practices, such as clean code structure, proper use of heading tags, meta tags, and URL optimization, to improve the website's visibility in search engine rankings.


Drupal theme development is a crucial aspect of building a visually appealing and user-friendly website. By following a structured process and leveraging the customization options provided by Drupal, developers can create unique themes that align with the client's requirements. The benefits of Drupal theme development include customization flexibility, scalability, security, and SEO-friendliness. With the right approach, Drupal themes can elevate the overall user experience and contribute to the success of a website.

Angular / Drupal Decoupled (Headless) Environments with Drupal API

We have an exciting tech solution for you - the Angular / Drupal Decoupled (Headless) Environments with Drupal API!  

Now, you might be wondering what on earth "headless Drupal" means. Well, let us break it down for you. In a traditional setup, when you visit a website, the browser connects directly to Drupal, and you get to see Drupal's fancy presentation layer or theme. However, with headless Drupal, things get a little more interesting (and cool, might we add).  

Instead of directly connecting to Drupal, your browser will now be greeted by pages created using front-end frameworks like AngularJS. So, what does that mean for you? It means a whole new level of flexibility and freedom!  

With Angular / Drupal Decoupled environments at your disposal, you can deliver incredible user experiences without being limited by Drupal's presentation layer. The data comes in the form of JSON, which is like the secret language of fancy front-end frameworks. It's like unlocking the full potential of Drupal and supercharging it with the power of AngularJS!  

Imagine having the ability to seamlessly integrate powerful Angular features into your Drupal-powered websites. You can create intuitive and interactive interfaces, leverage Angular's extensive library of components, and build dynamic web applications that will blow your mind (and your users' minds too, no doubt!).  

What's more, this headless environment with Drupal API allows you to easily manage and update your content within Drupal's backend, while still enjoying the freedom and flexibility of Angular on the frontend. It's the best of both worlds, really – the power and stability of Drupal combined with the cutting-edge features and user experience of AngularJS!  

So, whether you're a federal employee looking to create an engaging citizen portal, a content manager craving a dynamic and user-friendly editing experience, or a developer itching to explore new front-end possibilities, the Angular / Drupal Decoupled (Headless) Environments with Drupal API is your ultimate go-to solution!  

Get ready to unlock the full potential of Drupal and create mind-blowing websites that will leave your audience in awe. Embrace the power of AngularJS, combine it with Drupal, and let your creativity run wild! Welcome to the future of web development!

Learn More

To learn more, See Our Portfolio and visit Drupal's website.