Creating a Drupal 10 Theme From Scratch

By Xandermar LLC, September 21, 2023

Creating a Drupal 10 theme from scratch involves several steps. Drupal theming uses a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP to render the visual presentation of your website. Here's a high-level overview of the process:

1. Set Up Your Development Environment:

  • Ensure you have Drupal 10 installed and configured on your local development environment.
  • Have a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) ready for theme development.

2. Create a Theme Directory:

  • Inside the themes directory of your Drupal installation, create a new directory for your custom theme. For example, create a directory named "my_custom_theme."

3. Create a Theme .info.yml File:

  • In your theme directory, create a .info.yml file (e.g., to define your theme's metadata, like name, description, and base theme. Here's a basic example:
   name: 'My Custom Theme'
   type: theme
   description: 'A custom theme for my Drupal site.'
   core_version_requirement: ^10 || ^11
   base theme: false
   package: Custom

4. Create Template Files:

  • Inside your theme directory, create template files for different parts of your site, such as page templates, node templates, block templates, etc. Template files should have a .html.twig extension.
  • Customize these templates to define the HTML structure of your theme.

5. Create CSS and JavaScript Files:

  • Create CSS and JavaScript files (e.g., style.css and script.js) within your theme directory to style and add interactivity to your theme.
  • You can also add external libraries and frameworks if needed.

6. Define Regions:

  • In your theme's .info.yml file, define regions where content will be placed. For example:
     header: 'Header'
     content: 'Content'
     footer: 'Footer'

7. Create the Theme's Libraries:

  • Create a my_custom_theme.libraries.yml file to define your theme's libraries and include your CSS and JavaScript files.

8. Create CSS and JavaScript Aggregation Files:

  • Configure Drupal to aggregate (combine and minify) your CSS and JavaScript files for improved performance.

9. Implement Responsive Design:

  • Make your theme responsive by using CSS media queries to adjust the layout and styling for different screen sizes.

10. Enable and Set as Default:

  • Go to the Drupal admin interface, navigate to "Appearance," and enable your custom theme.
  • Set it as the default theme if desired.

11. Customize and Debug:

  • Use the Twig debugging feature to identify template file suggestions for customization.
  • Thoroughly test your theme to ensure it functions correctly and looks good on different devices and browsers.

12. Version Control:

  • Consider using a version control system like Git to manage your theme's code.

13. Documentation:

  • Document your theme's features, customization options, and any special considerations for other developers.

14. Security and Updates:

  • Stay informed about Drupal updates and security patches to keep your theme up-to-date and secure.

This is a simplified overview of creating a Drupal 10 theme from scratch. The specifics may vary depending on your project's requirements and complexity. Drupal's theming system is powerful but can be complex, so it's essential to consult Drupal's official documentation and community resources for more detailed information and best practices as you develop your theme.

