GitLab: How to fork you own repository

By Xandermar LLC, February 25, 2021

This article shows how to fork your own repository on Gitlab. This will work with GitHub and Bitbucket.

  1. Create a new repository on GitLab (let’s call it Child). Let’s assume your repo that you want to fork is called Parent
  2. Clone the Child repository to your local machine 

    git clone<username>/child.git
  3. CD into your Child repo 

    cd child
  4. Create a new ‘project-work’ branch 

    git checkout -b project-work
  5. Add the Parent repo as an Upstream Remote 

    git remote add upstream<username>/parent.git
  6. Pull the Parent repo into your Child repo 

    git pull upstream master --allow-unrelated-histories

You may get the error, fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories - be sure to add ‘–allow-unrelated-histories’ to the upstream command

  1. Merge your work into your Child master branch git checkout master git merge project-work
  2. Finally, finish your work. Add and commit your work and push to your Child repo. git push origin master

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